Why customers choose Oracle Autonomous JSON Database over MongoDB

Autonomous JSON Database is a fully managed MongoDB-compatible cloud service designed to help developers quickly and efficiently build applications. It provides serverless scaling, high performance ACID transactions, comprehensive security, and cost-effective pay-per-use pricing. Developers can use their preferred language and framework, including SQL, REST, or MongoDB-compatible NoSQL-style document APIs. Autonomous JSON Database features automated provisioning, configuration, tuning, scaling, patching, and encryption, ensuring minimal management overhead and 99.95% availability.

Here are the reasons customers are choosing Oracle Autonomous JSON database over MongoDB.

  • Rapid development of new applications: Autonomous JSON Database allows developers to rapidly build JSON-centric applications with NoSQL-style document APIs (SODA and API for MongoDB), access to SQL and stored procedures (PL/SQL), and use of low-code environments.
  • Simplification: Autonomous JSON Database simplifies operations with machine learning–driven automation for full lifecycle management.
  • Better performance: Autonomous JSON Database achieves rapid multi-document ACID transactions with optimized formats and a high performance infrastructure.
  • Higher security: Autonomous JSON Database is secure by design, with always-on encryption, and Oracle Database Vault, which provides strong data protection from both external and internal threats with comprehensive data security.
  • Significantly lower cost: Autonomous JSON Database reduces customers’ total cost of ownership with built-in features and automatic scaling to meet peak workloads when needed.

1. Rapid development of new applications

With Autonomous JSON Database, developers build applications faster with NoSQL-style document APIs that have full SQL, PL/SQL, and REST access and benefit from preconfigured, low-code environments. For customers moving from MongoDB to Autonomous JSON Database, Oracle Database API for MongoDB makes the migration easy. With Oracle Database API for MongoDB, MongoDB applications continue to work on Autonomous JSON Database, often with zero or minimal coding changes. Migrate your data, change your connection string, and you’re done. You can continue to develop applications using MongoDB's own native tools and drivers—just as you did before—while enhancing your applications using Oracle’s development frameworks and database capabilities.

Capability and evidence
Oracle Autonomous JSON Database
Is the service optimized for database usage?

Oracle's binary JSON (OSON) format is optimized for efficient database operations. Its offset information allows “jumps” to selected values. Piecewise updates limit transaction log size, and a compression scheme reduces the JSON document’s physical size.

MongoDB's BSON format requires more IO when reading and writing data. In addition, the BSON format is limited to 16 MB, requiring greater segmentation of data into multiple documents, compared to Oracle’s support for 32 MB documents.

Does the service provide full SQL support?

Oracle Autonomous JSON Database combines the best of JSON document stores with SQL and provides modern document APIs. With Oracle Database 23ai, users can run Oracle SQL statements within the MongoDB API.

MongoDB lacks SQL functionality, which would require developers to write many lines of code, increasing development and maintenance costs and creating security vulnerabilities.

Does the service provide comprehensive relational capabilities?

JSON Relational Duality, a feature of Oracle Database 23ai, allows developers to have data in JSON format. Which means that they do not have to choose between the benefits of relational capabilities and JSON capabilities.

With MongoDB, data needs to be duplicated to keep it consistent with complex application code. Running analytics and reports against the data is a challenge in MongoDB.

Does the service support other data models than just JSON?

Autonomous JSON Database offers full multimodel capabilities, including Full Text search over JSON, GeoJSON, XML, Graph as well as a new AI Vector data type with special indexes to support new AI workloads.

MongoDB lacks multimodel database capabilities, requiring developers to stitch multiple separate databases to build modern applications. This results in slower application development and applications that are prone to security vulnerabilities.

Are optimized machine learning capabilities built into the database?

Autonomous JSON Database provides capability to run ML inside the database. A fully integrated AutoML user interface is provided within the JSON autonomous database.

MongoDB lacks built-in machine learning algorithms, requiring separate service for ML. Using multiple services increases management complexity and creates potential security gaps due to data fragmentation.

Does the service support low-code application development?

Autonomous JSON Database is preconfigured with Oracle APEX, a highly productive, no-code/low-code environment.

MongoDB does not have an equivalent of Oracle APEX. To implement applications with low-code tools, developers and business users will need to use third-party tools, learn to use them, and incur additional costs.

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Oracle Autonomous JSON Database outperforms MongoDB service while providing more comprehensive, integrated functionality. Developers need less time to develop more performant and feature-rich applications. Less time equals to less money spent. In the cloud, time truly is money.

Marc Staimer Founder and President of Dragon Slayer Consulting and Wikibon Analyst

2. Simplification

Autonomous JSON Database simplifies operations with machine learning–driven automation for full lifecycle management. Oracle Autonomous JSON Database minimizes database administration overhead by automating the provisioning, configuring, securing, tuning, and scaling of JSON databases. Eliminating complex manual DBA tasks significantly reduces ongoing management and administrative costs, while developers are free to focus on building innovative, content-rich applications. Oracle Autonomous JSON Database increases application tier availability, enabling applications to be continuously available across infrastructure failures and during planned maintenance, unplanned outages, and load imbalances.

Capability and evidence
Oracle Autonomous JSON Database
Does the service automatically scale compute nodes of the database cluster?

Autonomous JSON Database uses scalable, high-performance compute and storage resources for all types of workloads and can elastically scale the size depending on the workload.

MongoDB developers must decide on cluster type as well as their cloud vendor. Further, changing the cluster type is not easy with MongoDB workloads.

Does the service support unlimited storage for JSON collections?

Autonomous JSON Database does not have a storage limit for JSON collections. Organizations can create enterprise-wide document databases without worrying about running into capacity constraints or having to increase configuration complexity. In addition, storage is provisioned separately from compute, so you can minimize costs for very large Autonomous JSON databases by only using a few vCPUs.

MongoDB storage is dependent on the type, size, and IaaS provider that the cluster is running on. Customers must pay for the additional compute that comes with the storage, even if they don’t typically need it. The maximum MongoDB document store is 4 TB—which comes with 96 vCPUs. However, clusters with 8 vCPUs may be limited to document stores as small as 128 GB. Expanding beyond MongoDB’s 4 TB limit (in fact 4000 GB) requires customers to use sharding across multiple databases, increasing complexity and cost.

Does the service auto-tune itself to deliver optimal performance based on dynamic workloads?

Autonomous JSON Database automatically configures and tunes itself as data and schema change over time. Memory configurations, data formats, indexes, and access structures are automatically optimized to improve performance. No DBA involvement is needed.

MongoDB does not provide any auto-tuning capabilities. Developers or DBAs must manually tune multiple aspects of the database, including creating indexes, searching for storage wait states, locking performance, and cluster overload. Manually tuning the MongoDB database takes time and effort and may result in suboptimal performance as workloads change.

Does the service automatically repair itself?

Autonomous JSON Database continuously monitors hardware and software to identify faults, predict failures, and resolve issues before they impact database operations. Automatic SQL plan management regularly detects and repairs SQL performance regressions.

MongoDB reconfigures itself when faults occur, and it does not offer immediate failover or application transparency. MongoDB typically pauses for 12 seconds during cluster failovers and elections, forcing customers to add retry logic to their applications to handle the delays.

Constellation logo
With Oracle Autonomous JSON Database service, the administrative and operational aspect of JSON-based next gen Apps is taken care of, and the result is both a better developer experience and higher developer velocity.

Holger Mueller VP and Principal Analyst, Constellation

3. Better performance

Autonomous JSON Database achieves high performance on multi-document ACID transactions with optimized formats and high performance infrastructure.

Oracle Autonomous JSON Database runs up to 3.2X faster than MongoDB when using the same amount of compute infrastructure, as demonstrated in benchmark tests using the industry-standard Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark (YCSB). Autonomous JSON Database automatically scales to deliver high performance despite changes in data volume, query complexity, and number of concurrent users. Furthermore, Autonomous JSON Database is built upon Oracle’s long history of supporting ACID transactions that increases data validity for multi-document transactions. As a result, the time and cost to complete transactions on single or multiple documents can be much lower on Oracle Autonomous JSON Database.

Capability and evidence
Oracle Autonomous JSON Database
Does the service deliver high performance without sacrificing ACID transaction consistency?

Autonomous JSON Database is built on the proven Oracle Database platform, using Oracle Exadata infrastructure to provide low-latency create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations and maintain full ACID transaction consistency for enterprise applications. Autonomous JSON Database eliminates data corruption and data loss when performing a sequence of write operations on multiple documents as a single transaction.

MongoDB is not a transactional database. Its support for multi-document ACID transactions was only introduced in May 2018. MongoDB ACID capabilities come with many limitations that come up short on supporting consistency. For example, it is recommended that MongoDB users not update to more than 1,000 documents in a transaction to limit the possibility that the transaction will be aborted due to timeouts. Developers are forced to work around these limitations by writing their own bulk updates with error checks, commits, and rollback logic. Third-party reviewers also confirmed the limitations of MongoDB’s ACID transactions.

Does the service deliver superior performance?

Autonomous JSON Database’s native JSON binary format, OSON, is highly optimized for fast reads, avoiding linear scans and partial updates while reducing redo/undo log sizes. As a result, Autonomous JSON Database significantly outperforms MongoDB. As the performance benchmark demonstrates, Autonomous JSON Database is up to 3.2X faster than MongoDB for workloads represented by the YCSB benchmark.

MongoDB binary format, BSON, requires linear scans and full document updates, causing it to run slower than Autonomous JSON Database. In addition, documents stored in BSON typically take up more storage than documents stored in Oracle’s OSON format.

Does the service automatically scale itself on a granular level to optimize query performance and concurrent user throughput while limiting costs?

Autonomous JSON Database automatically scales compute resources to optimize query performance and concurrent user throughput requirements. Compute resources are automatically and instantly scaled down when they are no longer needed. Compute and storage scaling take place independently, so increasing storage capacity does not force higher compute costs. Organizations only pay for the minimum level of compute resources they consume.

MongoDB scales clusters to the next sizing tier, but this scaling is neither granular nor instantaneous—and differs based on which IaaS provider a customer selects.

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Oracle Autonomous JSON Database is up to 3.2 times faster than MongoDB and up to 4.1 times faster than Amazon DocumentDB for workloads represented by the YCSB benchmark.

David Floyer Chief Technology Officer, Wikibon

4. Higher security

Built-in, comprehensive database security provides always-on encryption, and Oracle Data Vault enables data protection from external and internal threats. Automatic encryption continuously protects data-at-rest and in motion, including during backups and across network connections. Automated application of security patches without downtime reduces potential windows of vulnerability, while detailed auditing and separation of management roles helps reduce internal threats. Organizations can also use Oracle Data Safe to conduct ongoing security assessments, user and privilege analysis, sensitive data discovery, sensitive data protection, and activity auditing.

Capability and evidence
Oracle Autonomous JSON Database
Does the service include a comprehensive way to monitor and manage security?

Autonomous JSON Database comes with Oracle Data Safe at no additional charge. Oracle Data Safe helps customers understand the sensitivity of their data, evaluate risks to data, implement and monitor security controls, assess user security, monitor user activity, mask sensitive data, and address data security compliance requirements.

MongoDB has basic security features, such as authentication, authorization, encryption, network isolation, and database auditing, but lacks the equivalent Oracle Data Safe functionality. Organizations must implement Data Safe-like features using third-party tools to secure their data, increasing risk and operational and administrative costs.

Does the service provide security controls to prevent privileged users from accessing sensitive data?

Autonomous JSON Database comes with Oracle Database Vault, which provides powerful security controls to protect application data against unauthorized access to address privacy and regulatory requirements. Controls can be deployed to block privileged account access to application data and control sensitive operations inside the database.

MongoDB does not offer this capability and currently cannot provide preventive controls to block privileged users and DBAs from accessing sensitive data in the database.

Does the service support extensive government and industry certifications?

Autonomous Database supports a broad suite of compliance attestations and certifications, including HIPPA, ISO/IEC 27001:2013, ISO 27017:2015, ISO 27018: 2014, SOC 1, SOC 2, FISC, NISC, and NCSC guidelines. In addition, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure has been successfully evaluated for a number of operational standards.

In contrast, MongoDB provides a very limited set of certifications, including HIPPA, SOC 2, and ISO/IEC 27001:2013.

Can the service be deployed in customer data centers to meet data sovereignty requirements?

Oracle Autonomous Database supports a wide range of Autonomous JSON Database features. It is available in customers’ data centers on Oracle Exadata Cloud@Customer, allowing customers to gain cloud economics while meeting data sovereignty and security requirements.

MongoDB does not provide equivalent functionality, and it is not available on AWS Outposts, Azure Stack, or GCP Anthos. Customers who wish to use MongoDB on-premises must license, install, manage, and secure MongoDB Enterprise Server on their own infrastructure in a do-it-yourself type of environment.

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The Security Benefits of a Fully Managed Database Service: Oracle Autonomous Database

5. Significantly Lower cost

Autonomous JSON Database provides significant savings on total cost of ownership compared to MongoDB due to lower cost-per-second billing, autoscaling, autonomous operations, and higher performance that results in lower resource utilization. Organizations are only charged for what they use.

Capability and evidence
Oracle Autonomous JSON Database
Does the service provide lower subscription pricing?

Autonomous JSON Database provides an average 3–5X lower subscription pricing than a comparable MongoDB service for the same memory, CPU, and storage, reducing a customer’s total cost of ownership. Autonomous Database Elastic Resource Pools can also provide significant cost savings.

MongoDB offers backup services for your MongoDB cluster, based on the size of the data files on disk. MongoDB charges $0.14/GB/month while Oracle Autonomous JSON charges $0.0244/GB/month, which is more than 5X cheaper than MongoDB.

Does the service offer true pay-per-use with per-second billing?

Autonomous JSON Database offers per-second billing with real-time up-and-down scaling of resource consumption to create a true pay-per-use pricing model.

MongoDB does not offer per-second billing, and autoscaling to smaller clusters occurs only once per day, leading to substantially higher costs.

Does the service provide cost savings via autonomous operations?

Autonomous JSON Database automates many tasks—provisioning, configuring, tuning, scaling, patching, encrypting, and repairing of databases—that significantly reduce the amount of effort to deploy and manage the database.

MongoDB requires much greater hands-on operations, resulting in higher administration costs.

Does the service provide cost savings through higher performance?
Autonomous JSON Database delivers up to 3.2X higher performance on similar infrastructure when compared to MongoDB. When combined with 30% lower costs for comparable infrastructure, Autonomous JSON Database provides potential savings of up to 85% compared to MongoDB.
Winter Corporation logo
Oracle has priced Autonomous JSON Database to be competitive with MongoDB and AWS DocumentDB in a low-end (8 OCPU) configuration. As customers scale up from this configuration, however, they have more granular scaling options with Oracle, which combined with faster performance can result in cost savings in comparison to the fixed shape scaling and slower performance associated with other options.

Richard Winter CEO and Principal Architect, WinterCorp

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