Exadata Database Service

Oracle Exadata Database Service, organizasyonların veritabanlarını en yüksek performans, kullanılabilirlik, güvenlik ve en uygun maliyetle çalıştırmasına olanak tanıyan otomatik bir Oracle Database hizmetidir. Veritabanları; işlem gerçekleştirme, analitik ve karma iş yükleri için eşsiz optimizasyonlar içeren ölçeklenebilir Exadata altyapısında daha hızlı ve daha az kaynakla çalışır. Bilgi işlem kaynaklarının çevrimiçi olarak ölçeklendirilmesi, müşterilerin iş yükü taleplerini karşılamak için operasyonları kesintiye uğratmadan tüketimi hızla ayarlamasına olanak sağlarken, verimli veritabanı konsolidasyonu ise toplam maliyetleri düşürür. Şirket içi Oracle Database ve Exadata ortamlarıyla tam uyumluluk, müşterilerin iş yüklerini buluta taşımasını kolaylaştırır.

Karşınızda OCI'da Exadata X9M platformları (13:44)

Oracle Exadata Database Service farkı

  • Tüm veritabanı iş yüklerinde daha yüksek performans

    Exadata Database Service, müşterilerin hızlı OLTP, bellek içi analitik ve bütünleşik iş yüklerini tek bir hizmette çalıştırmasına olanak tanır. Sektör lideri 19 mikrosaniyelik gecikme süresi ve 2,88 TB/saniyeye kadar analitik tarama verimi sunar. Exadata Database Service'in otomatik performans optimizasyonları, iş yükü düzenleri değiştiğinde bile veritabanlarının en iyi şekilde çalışmasını sağlar.

    Oba Hortifruiti'nin hikayesini okuyun
  • Daha yüksek verimlilik ve ölçek

    Exadata Database Service, müşterilerin binlerce veritabanını birleşik bir hizmette birleştirmelerine, genel kaynak kullanımını iyileştirmelerine olanak verirken veritabanı silolarındaki boş kaynaklar için ödeme yapmamalarını sağlar. Organizasyonlar, OCI'da Exadata X9M'nin ölçeklenebilir mimarisini kullanarak bilgi işlem ve depolamayı bağımsız ve kolay bir şekilde sağlayabilir ve mevcut talepleri karşılamak için hizmetlerini doğru boyuta ayarlayabilir.

    Cognizant'ın hikayesini okuyun

    IDC raporu: Oracle Exadata Database Service: Çok Büyük Veritabanı veya İş Yükü Diye Bir Şey Yok (PDF)
  • Daha düşük toplam maliyetler

    Exadata Database Service, SQL ve analitik işlemlerini vCPU kaynaklarını tüketmeyen akıllı depolama sunucularına aktararak müşterilerin analitik iş yüklerini daha kısa sürede çalıştırmasına, daha az kaynak tüketmesine ve maliyetleri düşürmesine olanak tanır. Çevrimiçi vCPU kaynak ölçeklendirmesi ile düşük minimum tüketim ihtiyaçları, müşterilerin tüketimi iş yükü talepleriyle eşleştirerek maliyetleri düşürmelerini sağlar.

    Experian'ın hikayesini okuyun

    dbInsight araştırma raporu: Oracle Exadata Database Service esnekliği yeni bir düzeye taşıyor (PDF)
  • Kurumsal sınıf iş sürekliliği

    Exadata Database Service, sıfır kapalı kalma süresi, çevrimiçi ölçeklendirme ve tek tıkla Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) ve Oracle Active Data Guard olanağı ile yerleşik bulut otomasyonunu kullanarak kapalı kalma süresini azaltıyor ve operasyon yönetimini kolaylaştırıyor. Organizasyonlar, Exadata Database Service ve Uygulama Sürekliliği sayesinde son kullanıcı deneyimlerini iyileştiriyor ve hizmetteki aksaklıkları önlüyor.

The fastest, most scalable Oracle Database service with cloud automation you control

The fastest, most scalable Oracle Database service with cloud automation you control diagram, description below

This image provides a high-level overview of Oracle Exadata Database Service and its business value in three columns.

  • The first column, titled “Move as is,” shows that customers can lift and shift all Oracle Database workloads from on-premises to Exadata Database Service without refactoring applications. The service supports all database features, options, and management packs. You can run tens to thousands of Oracle databases; any workload whether it’s OLTP, in-memory, or operational analytics; converged database, and virtually any development style on a single Exadata cloud environment, making it the ideal database consolidation cloud platform.
  • The second column, titled “Exadata Database Service,” shows that administrators retain full operational control while simplifying management with built-in automation. A choice of shared or dedicated infrastructure with elastic resource scaling, security, and fast performance for all Oracle Database workloads helps you simplify management and reduce costs. Exadata Database Service on Exascale Infrastructure, available in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), runs on pools of shared database–optimized compute. Exadata Database Service on Dedicated Infrastructure is available in the public cloud on Exadata Cloud Infrastructure in OCI and other cloud data centers, or on Exadata Cloud@Customer in your data center.
  • The third column, titled “Benefits,” lists eight benefits of Exadata Database Service.
    • Fast, predictable performance
    • Lower total cost of ownership
    • Zero-downtime scaling and patching
    • On-demand resource scaling
    • High-density consolidation
    • One-click HA provisioning
    • Extreme availability
    • Strong, built-in security

Exadata Database Service gives you the flexibility to address diverse business requirements with your choice of public clouds—Oracle, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud—or hybrid-cloud deployments. It provides fully managed infrastructure and the option of license-included or bring-your-own-license (BYOL) consumption models.

Performance you can count on

Time is money in the cloud; Exadata Database Service delivers extreme performance, scalability, and availability to address ever-increasing workload demands in your choice of public and hybrid clouds.

Delivering rapid transaction processing and responsiveness as low as

17 µs

SQL read latency

Accelerating OLTP database workloads with up to

22.4 M


Powering broader, deeper, and faster analytics at speeds up to

2,880 GB/s

with full scale-out

Providing room to grow data warehouses as large as

40 PB


Performance and capacity vary based on Exadata platform and scale of deployment.


FedEx, alacak hesapları sistemini Oracle Cloud ve Exadata Database Service üzerine taşıyor

“Oracle E-Business Suite'den OCI'ye geçiş kararını verdiğime çok memnunum. FedEx'te geçirdiğim 23 yılda verdiğim en iyi kararlardan biri."

Rajesh Singh
BT Başkan Yardımcısı, FedEx

TIM Brasil Oracle Exadata Database Service üzerinde çalışan veritabanlarıyla çoklu bulut mimarisi uyguluyor

“Çevresel, sosyal ve yönetişim uygulamalarımızı iyileştirmek için önemli bir bulut dönüşümünden geçiyoruz. Çoklu bulut stratejisi kullanarak, Brezilya'da iş yüklerimizin %100'ünü buluta taşıyan ilk şirket biziz. Bu kapsamda müşteri faturalandırma sistemimizi, CRM ve VMware iş yüklerimizi de Oracle Cloud Infrastructure'a taşıdık.”

Pietro Labriola
CEO, TIM Brasil

Guitar Center, Exadata Database Service kullanarak performansı %30'dan fazla artırıyor ve daha fazla uyarlanabilirlik sağlıyor.

"OCI ve Exadata Database Service sayesinde, temel sistemlerimizi yenilemeye gerek kalmadan son derece bağlantılı ve dağıtılmış bir bulut ortamını çalıştırabiliyoruz. Sistemlerimizin verimliliğini artırdık. Müşterilerimize yeni hizmetler ve deneyimler sunarken %40'ın üzerinde maliyet tasarrufu elde etmeyi bekliyoruz."

Ravi Balwada
CTO, Guitar Center

Cox Automotive, Oracle Cloud ve Exadata Database Service üzerinde Oracle arka ofis platformlarını modernize ederek yılda 4,5 milyon ABD doları tasarruf elde etti

"[OCI'daki] iş yüklerimizi çalıştırma olanağı başka hiçbir yerde sunulmuyor."

Robert Taylor
Lider Arka Ofis Mimarı, Cox Automotive

Specialized, bisiklet satışlarındaki artış sırasında Oracle Exadata Database Service üzerinde e-ticaret ve arka uç iş yüklerini konsolide etti

"Bizim için Oracle Cloud Infrastructure'a geçmek kolay bir karardı. Artık beklemeye, planlanan kapalı kalma süresine gerek yok. Daha fazla kapasite için bir anahtarı çevirerek anında yukarı ölçeklendirme yapıyoruz ve trafik azaldığında aşağı ölçeklendiriyoruz. Bundan daha iyisi olamazdı."

Tommy Pham
Kıdemli Yönetici, Veritabanı Bulut Platformu, Specialized Bicycle Components

Maritz, Oracle Cloud ve Exadata Database Service çözümüne geçerek veri yönetimini basitleştirdi ve performansı 10 kat artırdı

"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure sayesinde şirket içinde çalıştırdığımız çözümlere kıyasla daha iyi, daha ucuz ve daha hızlı sonuç alıyoruz. Eskiden birkaç saat süren işleri artık Oracle Cloud Infrastructure'da dakikalar içinde tamamlayabiliyoruz."

Ron Hunsaker
Kurumsal Uygulama Hizmetlerinden Sorumlu Başkan Yardımcısı, Maritz

Operational highlights of Exadata Database Service

Typical use cases and customer results

  • Achieve superior performance, consistently and at any scale

    Deliver extreme performance for all of your Oracle databases, from small instances to databases requiring hundreds or thousands of cores.
    Read VLI’s story
    Read MetrôRio’s story

  • Consolidate databases to increase performance and lower costs

    Standardize operational management, lower costs with less infrastructure, and deliver fast, predictable performance across all workloads by consolidating databases on Exadata Database Service.
    Read NRMA’s story
    Read MoMRAH's story

  • Maintain data residency with a database cloud service in your data center

    Simplify your operations with Exadata Database Service and OCI management while aligning with data residency and local connectivity requirements that public cloud data centers can’t fulfill.
    Read LALUX’s story
    Read EOPYY's story

  • Reduce costs for dynamic workloads

    Execute time-sensitive applications, initiate new programs, and accelerate financial closes with up-and-down scaling of high-performance resources, all without interrupting database operations.
    Read Makro Atacadista’s story
    Read the n11.com story

  • Improve disaster recovery

    Maintain synchronized standby or replica databases in Oracle Database@Azure, Oracle Database@Google Cloud, or Oracle Cloud Infrastructure for recovery of on-premises databases.
    Read CRIF High Mark’s story

  • Accelerate development and testing

    Quickly provision high performance databases using thin clones and built-in low-code tools to develop new applications. Add semantic search and retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) using AI Vector Search in Oracle Database 23ai.
    Read A.C. Camargo Cancer Center's story

Choice of cost-effective consumption models

Provisioning is easy with your choice of license-included or bring-your-own-license (BYOL) consumption models.

Consumption models diagram, description below

This image covers Exadata Database Service’s cost-effective pricing, choice of consumption models, and elastic resource scaling.

Exadata Database Service is an automated Oracle Database service that enables organizations to run databases with the highest performance, availability, security, and cost-effectiveness. The service subscription has globally consistent pricing, pay-as-you-go compute consumption, and online scaling.

The service offers two subscription models:

  • A license-included consumption model includes Oracle Database Enterprise Edition plus all advanced database options and management packs.
  • With the bring-your-own-license (BYOL) model, you deploy your existing Oracle Database Enterprise Edition and Database Option licenses on Exadata Cloud Infrastructure, lowering your subscription costs. In addition to the database licenses you bring, the BYOL subscription includes the right to use Transparent Data Encryption (TDE), Diagnostics Pack, Tuning Pack, Data Masking and Subsetting Pack, and Real Application Testing without bringing license entitlements for those database options and management packs.

Exadata Database Service offers fully elastic CPU scaling so you can size your environment for normal workloads, scale up core processors during peak periods, and scale back down as demand returns to normal. You can scale compute resources on demand or automatically with scripts to scale compute based on predetermined criteria.

Same service and control plane across deployments

Exadata Database Service provides a familiar user experience across all deployments, so you can easily and confidently adapt to changing business needs without any learning curve or additional training.

Unified user experience diagram, description below

Exadata Database Service provides a familiar user experience and set of processes everywhere, using the same cloud control plane across all deployment options.

In the public cloud, Exadata Database Service is available in all OCI regions and select Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud regions. There are no upfront costs or long-term commitments, with only a 48-hour minimum. It’s available in Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud data centers on a dedicated Exadata cloud and in OCI on a shared Exascale infrastructure or dedicated Exadata cloud infrastructure.

Exadata Database Service can be deployed on a private, hybrid cloud in your data center on Exadata Cloud@Customer or OCI Dedicated Region to help you address application dependency considerations as well as data residency and security requirements. These deployments have a four-year infrastructure term commitment.

It’s the same service and the same cloud control plane in OCI, multicloud, hybrid cloud, and dedicated cloud environments.

Fast, efficient, and affordable

Exadata Database Service on Exascale Infrastructure delivers extreme performance, reliability, availability, and security for database workloads of any type and scale. Built on pools of shared database-optimized compute and storage resources, it lets organizations of any size minimize costs with small configurations, granular elastic scaling, and pay-per-use economics.

Exascale Infrastructure diagram, description below

Exadata Database Service on Exascale Infrastructure is easy to set up and is simple and powerful for all database workloads at any scale.

Exascale Infrastructure uses shared pools of compute and storage resources; simply configure a Virtual Machine (VM) Cluster and an Exascale Database Storage Vault. You can get started with as few as 8 ECPUs per VM and as little as 300 GB of Exascale Vault capacity.

Elastically scale ECPUs online to meet workload demand, and scale Exascale Vault capacity online up to 100 TB.

With Exadata Database Service on Exascale Infrastructure is incredibly agile. You can create and run one or more databases and all database workloads in the same environment. In addition, running business and mission-critical production databases, you can create instant, space-efficient thin clones to improve developer productivity. Accelerate innovation by giving developers all the performance and availability characteristics of Exadata with economical Exascale thin clones.

Easily rightsize your service

The consumption of database server licenses running on dedicated infrastructure can be scaled up or down at any time without incurring downtime, enabling users to both optimize performance and reduce costs.

Dedicated Infrastructure diagram, description below

Exadata Cloud Infrastructure and Exadata Cloud@Customer are customer-dedicated environments fully managed by Oracle.

Powerful cloud automation enables customers to manage the system with minimal effort. Customers can apply operating system and database updates on their preferred schedule.

Choose the level of database automation by workload, running Exadata Database Service, Autonomous Database, or both on the same Exadata cloud environment.

The starting configuration includes two Exadata Database Servers and three Exadata Storage Servers. You can scale out with up to 32 database servers and 64 storage servers in a single Exadata Cloud Infrastructure or Exadata Cloud@Customer environment.

You can independently scale database and storage servers online without downtime or migration hassle.

Deliver predictable performance at scale and maintain fine-grained control over resource allocation. Elastically scale database resources and only pay for the cores you use.

Common types of scale-out include the following:

  • OLTP: Expand compute
  • Data warehouse: Expand storage
  • Mixed workloads: Balanced compute and storage expansion

Consumption of database server licenses running on dedicated infrastructure can be scaled up or down at any time without incurring downtime, enabling users to both optimize performance and reduce costs.

Unify data access to increase agility

Oracle Database is a converged database that provides best-of-breed support for modern data types and workloads. Exadata Database Service allows you to support many diverse projects and run multiple database versions—including Oracle Database 23ai—on a single platform, significantly reducing complexity and management overhead while minimizing risk.

Data convergence diagram, description below

This image shows a converged data strategy using Oracle Database to centralize diverse data and workload types via multiple types of analytics within an Oracle Database engine. Consolidate all your Oracle Databases on Exadata Database Service to simplify enterprise data management, deliver superior quality of service across databases, and lower costs.

Oracle’s converged, multimodel database engine lets you store and query many types of data, including relational, document, AI vectors, and text, using the same database technology and supporting OLTP, in-memory, analytics, and mixed workloads.

Oracle Database supports machine learning, blockchain, graph, spatial, JSON, REST, events, editions, and IoT streaming as part of the core database at no additional cost.

You can run Exadata Database Service in the public cloud on Exascale Infrastructure or Exadata Cloud Infrastructure or in your data center on Exadata Cloud@Customer or an OCI Dedicated Region.

Oracle’s converged database engine lets you store and query many types of data, including AI vectors, using the same database technology. It natively supports OLTP, analytics, semantic search, application development, and mixed workloads.

Migrate databases to the cloud with zero downtime and no refactoring

Exadata Database Service is fully compatible with all Oracle Database and Exadata deployments, making it easy to migrate applications to the cloud without the time, resources, and risk associated with refactoring. Oracle Zero Downtime Migration provides an automated migration workflow with your choice of methods so you can pick the best approach for each application.

Zero downtime migration diagram, description below

This image shows how full compatibility with on-premises deployments and zero downtime migration can simplify your move to the cloud.

Exadata Database Service supports all Oracle Database Enterprise Edition features, advanced database options, and management packs. The platform is fully compatible across on-premises and cloud deployments, providing the following benefits:

  • No refactoring needed
  • Minimized migration risk
  • Predictable performance wherever data resides

Oracle Zero Downtime Migration simplifies migration with no extra costs or fees, enabling you to migrate with zero downtime, minimal impact on production environments, and with the efficiency of pre- and post-migration validation.

You have a choice of migration methods for a best-fit approach by workload:

  • Physical migration is the fastest and offers a choice of online or offline processes. This method is applicable when migrating from Linux to Linux and when the source and target databases are the same version.
  • Logical migration is the most flexible option, offering:
    • Choice of online or offline processes
    • Ability to migrate across database versions
    • Cross-platform migration
    • Option to upgrade database version during migration

16 Haziran 2023

Oracle Exadata Database Service ve Oracle Base Database Service ile Sıfır Veri Kaybı Kurtarma Özellikleri ile Tanışın

Kelly Smith, Kıdemli Ürün Yöneticisi, Oracle
Dileep Thiagarajan, Kıdemli Baş Ürün Yöneticisi, Oracle

Oracle Exadata Database Service on Dedicated Infrastructure (ExaDB-D) ve Oracle Base Database (BaseDB) Service için Oracle Database Zero Data Loss Autonomous Recovery Service (ZRCV) desteğinin genel olarak kullanıma sunulduğunu bildirmekten heyecan duyuyoruz. Çözümde sıfır veri kaybı kurtarma noktası hedefleri, uçtan uca yedekleme şifreleme, artımlı sonsuz yedekleme paradigması, sürekli veritabanı kurtarma doğrulaması ve ayrıntılı veritabanı kurtarılabilirlik izlemesi gibi benzersiz bulut veritabanı koruma özellikleri yer alıyor.


Şunlar da ilginizi çekebilir

Otonom Veritabanı

Oracle Database'in geleceği

Exadata Cloud@Customer

Şirket içinde sunulan Oracle Autonomous Database ve Exadata Database Service

Exadata Database Machine

Şirket içinde Exadata

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Oracle'ın yeni nesil bulutu